After two and a half months of trying, we have been blessed with another little one. I know two and a half months doesn't seem very long but when you desire something so much, every minute waiting for it seems like eternity. My heart truly goes out to the couples that have waited years. I feel for them all.
We got our first positive pregnancy test on May 3. It was so faint it required a bit of tweaking to see the line and by the next day, it was pretty evident. I even had a positive digital on May 4, at only 9DPO. This baby(ies) is in a hurry to stick!
So, symptoms are already running rampant. Tired all the time, which is increased by the three amazing kids I already have. I'm weepy. I cry at literally everything. Whether it's cheesy, happy, sad, angry, whatever, I am freaking Niagra Falls. I also have to pee about every ten minutes and in between potty breaks, I have to be constantly stuffing my face. I'm sooo hungry that I have gained five pounds in ONE WEEK. If there aren't twins in there, I'm going to get a bit depressed!
Speaking of, we are hoping for twins. I would love to experience it just once and since I have a family history, there is a good chance. We'll get to see in three weeks. I talked to my nurse today. She made up my appointment schedule and we went over all the do's and don't's. She also rescheduled my ultrasound for five days later than it was originally scheduled for. So I have to wait five more days to see my precious little peanut. Three whole weeks. It's going to be agonizing.
We've told our family and friends that we are expecting again and haven't been met with the best of reactions. I'm starting to think the only people happy about this new baby are myself and my husband. And our wonderful kids, of course. They have been begging for another baby sibling for ages. I kind of expected the reactions though. In this day and age, having four children is considered excessive. Most settle for one or two, Three kids is considered a large family and any more than that and people start asking you if you are competing with the Duggars. Well, to them I say, forget you. This is OUR life and how many children we bring into this world is between my husband, myself, and GOD. God obviously wanted this baby here or it wouldn't be. It's Him who ultimately controls who is born and who is not.
I just wish everyone would see that and stop complaining. It's not like the baby is coming home with them! No one has to be responsible for these beautiful children but my husband and me. God has always provided for us in the past and He will now as He will never give us more than we can handle. And I am elated to be pregnant again. I love knowing that there is a precious baby in my belly and that in a few months I'll feel their little kicks and punches. He or she will hear my voice and Daddy's voice. We'll "nest' and prepare a place for them to come home and I'll be so happy when I see their face for the first time. Being a mom is the greatest job on the planet and I pity those that choose not to be. They really don't know what they are missing.
Well I will go for now. I'm getting hungry again and the munchkins need fed too. I promise to try to keep this updated more often. I've been slacking, I know. I'll close with this, thank Heavens for our Rainbow baby. You are already loved beyond measure and we'd do anything for you.
Rainbow Wishes

Monday, May 16, 2011
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Hurry up weekend!
Today has been a busy day for me internet-wise. I've been online helping others as I do every day on the Babycenter forums. Sometimes I refuse to respond to some because they anger me. This is my blog so I will state exactly what angers me here.
First off, I will say that this is NOT judging a person. I am a firm believer that God wants us to take a stand against sin while loving the sinner. It's hard to do but I try my best. I will never judge YOU, because that is God's job but I can tell you that your sin is wrong because that part, has already been judged by God. If He said it is wrong, I can say it too.
That being said, I HATE it when I see people talking casually about how they got an abortion. Then they have the nerve to try for another child when they threw one away?? And they wonder why God won't give them another. Gee, I wonder....
I also can't stand homosexuals trying to make babies that they can raise in their perverted ways. It bothers me to no end. Being gay is WRONG and they do NOT have the right to corrupt an innocent child. I can't help but pray that these types never conceive.
I also get frustrated with extremely young people thinking they are ready for the hardships of raising a family. I've BEEN there so I try my hardest to let people know the mistakes they are making. I don't want anyone to have to go through the troubles I did. And I wasn't even a teenage mother! I was an adult and I STILL wish I had been older.
So I have to choose my words very carefully to avoid getting kicked off a forum. I've been kicked off before because of my beliefs and I know that if I get kicked off now, I can't help them. So I reign it in. It's not that I am afraid of offending anyone. First off, I get offending every time I hear about gay couples or abortions and people don't consider MY feelings. Second, if you are commiting the sin, you deserve to be offended by it. Maybe it's your guilty conscience telling you that you are wrong. If you really think you aren't doing anything wrong, my words won't bother you. They will roll off your back like water off a duck.
So today has been a challenging one. I tend to get ahead of myself when posting so today I stopped, proofread everything and prayed before hitting "Submit". I know the old adage, you catch more flies with honey but sometimes the cold hard truth is all that matters. I'm at least glad that one young lady heard my words, heeded my warnings and may have changed her mind on making a terrible mistake.
I will keep trying, to better myself and the world around me. I know I have to be careful not to violate retarded internet rules but in the end, if I do get bumped off this forum, at least I will have helped a few. I'm opinionated and set firmly in my beliefs and a stupid "warning" from BBC isn't going to change that.
By the way, for any followers that may know about it, BBC can say what they will but the term Abortion literally means to "terminate a viable pregnancy". The term "viable" means living or able to live. Now, if you terminate something that is living or able to live, you KILL it, and that makes you a MURDERER. It's not namecalling if it's true. My mother is a murderer. So is my sister. So is my best friend. I have a hard time around these people because of it.
Also, the whole argument of a woman can do what she wants to her own body doesn't hold up either. The baby has different DNA making it a different body. It's NOT her body. It's the BABY'S body. It just resides inside her but that doesn't make it a part of her. That is two separate beings. One has NO right to murder the other.
Ok, soap box over. Feel free to UNfollow if any of this "offends" you. Take care and God bless.
First off, I will say that this is NOT judging a person. I am a firm believer that God wants us to take a stand against sin while loving the sinner. It's hard to do but I try my best. I will never judge YOU, because that is God's job but I can tell you that your sin is wrong because that part, has already been judged by God. If He said it is wrong, I can say it too.
That being said, I HATE it when I see people talking casually about how they got an abortion. Then they have the nerve to try for another child when they threw one away?? And they wonder why God won't give them another. Gee, I wonder....
I also can't stand homosexuals trying to make babies that they can raise in their perverted ways. It bothers me to no end. Being gay is WRONG and they do NOT have the right to corrupt an innocent child. I can't help but pray that these types never conceive.
I also get frustrated with extremely young people thinking they are ready for the hardships of raising a family. I've BEEN there so I try my hardest to let people know the mistakes they are making. I don't want anyone to have to go through the troubles I did. And I wasn't even a teenage mother! I was an adult and I STILL wish I had been older.
So I have to choose my words very carefully to avoid getting kicked off a forum. I've been kicked off before because of my beliefs and I know that if I get kicked off now, I can't help them. So I reign it in. It's not that I am afraid of offending anyone. First off, I get offending every time I hear about gay couples or abortions and people don't consider MY feelings. Second, if you are commiting the sin, you deserve to be offended by it. Maybe it's your guilty conscience telling you that you are wrong. If you really think you aren't doing anything wrong, my words won't bother you. They will roll off your back like water off a duck.
So today has been a challenging one. I tend to get ahead of myself when posting so today I stopped, proofread everything and prayed before hitting "Submit". I know the old adage, you catch more flies with honey but sometimes the cold hard truth is all that matters. I'm at least glad that one young lady heard my words, heeded my warnings and may have changed her mind on making a terrible mistake.
I will keep trying, to better myself and the world around me. I know I have to be careful not to violate retarded internet rules but in the end, if I do get bumped off this forum, at least I will have helped a few. I'm opinionated and set firmly in my beliefs and a stupid "warning" from BBC isn't going to change that.
By the way, for any followers that may know about it, BBC can say what they will but the term Abortion literally means to "terminate a viable pregnancy". The term "viable" means living or able to live. Now, if you terminate something that is living or able to live, you KILL it, and that makes you a MURDERER. It's not namecalling if it's true. My mother is a murderer. So is my sister. So is my best friend. I have a hard time around these people because of it.
Also, the whole argument of a woman can do what she wants to her own body doesn't hold up either. The baby has different DNA making it a different body. It's NOT her body. It's the BABY'S body. It just resides inside her but that doesn't make it a part of her. That is two separate beings. One has NO right to murder the other.
Ok, soap box over. Feel free to UNfollow if any of this "offends" you. Take care and God bless.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
My blog music
So I haven't written in a week and I'm sorry. Tons has been going on and I've been so stressed that I didn't want to take it out on my blog!
I created a playlist for this blog. It's got some songs that have uplifted me in hard times and some songs that I just like hearing over and over! And a selection that my darling husband found which fits the title of this blog. I hope you enjoy it.
We went through a few days last week where we didn't think we were going to continue to try for a baby. Some things fell through and plans changed and I questioned whether Brent's heart was really in it or not. After a lot of talking and praying, we're back on though and I'm hoping we can make it work this time around.
I have been going through this journey with one of my best friends and while I will leave her nameless unless she agrees to be named, I will say this: I desperately hope she is the first of us to get pregnant. She has no biological children of her own and has been trying for so long. I'm rooting for her fiercely and I hope you followers will too! She's about a week behind me cycle wise and just suffered her own depressing arrival of AF. Feel free to cry right along with us!
So with all that said, this weekend should be my O weekend. I have a plan in motion to help my honey bunny find that egg (is that cheesy or what??) and hopefully we can prepare to welcome a new little one around the first of the year.
I hope you all have a pleasant Good Friday, Easter Sunday and Easter Monday and please remember the REAL reason for this season! He is Risen!!! God Bless!
I created a playlist for this blog. It's got some songs that have uplifted me in hard times and some songs that I just like hearing over and over! And a selection that my darling husband found which fits the title of this blog. I hope you enjoy it.
We went through a few days last week where we didn't think we were going to continue to try for a baby. Some things fell through and plans changed and I questioned whether Brent's heart was really in it or not. After a lot of talking and praying, we're back on though and I'm hoping we can make it work this time around.
I have been going through this journey with one of my best friends and while I will leave her nameless unless she agrees to be named, I will say this: I desperately hope she is the first of us to get pregnant. She has no biological children of her own and has been trying for so long. I'm rooting for her fiercely and I hope you followers will too! She's about a week behind me cycle wise and just suffered her own depressing arrival of AF. Feel free to cry right along with us!
So with all that said, this weekend should be my O weekend. I have a plan in motion to help my honey bunny find that egg (is that cheesy or what??) and hopefully we can prepare to welcome a new little one around the first of the year.
I hope you all have a pleasant Good Friday, Easter Sunday and Easter Monday and please remember the REAL reason for this season! He is Risen!!! God Bless!
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Today is cycle day 2. And it sucks.
So today is day two of my nasty monthly. I absolutely hate this time of month. I wonder why God designed us this way. Why couldn't we just pee or poop out our wasted endometrium like all the other waste in our body? Why must we bleed this nasty horrific smelling substance that is sticky and disgusting. To top off the nastiness of the day, it was 87 degrees today. In APRIL! And I was out of tampons and had to use nasty old pads! Ugh!! So glad we got to the store and I got home, cleaned up and felt a TON better. We had to skip church today because I felt too bad. The cramps plus my pulled back muscle plus what I think is another cyst kept me in bed for hours this morning. I told Brent to take the kids and go but I think he's afraid to be alone with them.
Great reassurance that we can handle four kids, huh? We house hunted online today. I found one listed in our local paper that is super nice, in a nice area out in the country but close enough to town to make it perfect, AND we can mostly afford it! It will take us a month or so to save up the security deposit but I think we can manage it. We're hopefully going to see it this week sometime. We'll see then if it's worth the monthly price! The guy I talked to about it seemed like he really wanted us to take it so we'll see how much he's willing to work with us. It's a 4 bedroom so we'll be able to fix up a nursery if another little one makes his or her appearance. I've never got to fix up a nursery before. I've decorated Jesse and Leah's rooms before but never fixed up a nursery just for a new baby. I'd love to. I have so many ideas!
Well that was today. Not a very productive weekend. I feel like I hardly got to spend time with Brent. Jesse will be leaving to go to his grandma's for two days tomorrow and she'll be back to take Leah on Tuesday so it should be an easy start to the week. Here's hoping anyway! I have tons of phone errands to run! Hope all of my many readers (hardy har har) have a nice week too!
Great reassurance that we can handle four kids, huh? We house hunted online today. I found one listed in our local paper that is super nice, in a nice area out in the country but close enough to town to make it perfect, AND we can mostly afford it! It will take us a month or so to save up the security deposit but I think we can manage it. We're hopefully going to see it this week sometime. We'll see then if it's worth the monthly price! The guy I talked to about it seemed like he really wanted us to take it so we'll see how much he's willing to work with us. It's a 4 bedroom so we'll be able to fix up a nursery if another little one makes his or her appearance. I've never got to fix up a nursery before. I've decorated Jesse and Leah's rooms before but never fixed up a nursery just for a new baby. I'd love to. I have so many ideas!
Well that was today. Not a very productive weekend. I feel like I hardly got to spend time with Brent. Jesse will be leaving to go to his grandma's for two days tomorrow and she'll be back to take Leah on Tuesday so it should be an easy start to the week. Here's hoping anyway! I have tons of phone errands to run! Hope all of my many readers (hardy har har) have a nice week too!
Saturday, April 9, 2011
To Begin The Tale
Every story has a beginning. This isn't really our true beginning. If you'd like to know that story, you'll have to read our family blog. This is a more personal story therefore, it deserves a spot all its own. This is a story of faith, love, and desire. But, I shall have to give a bit of background if you are to understand our lives. Here goes.
My name is Krysta. I'm 26 and married to my best friend in the world, Brent. We have known each other since adolescence. We have three wonderful children. Jesse is five and a bundle of energy. He's a tough little guy and smart as a whip. I know he'll go far in life. Leah is our princess. She's three, about to turn four and is so feminine. Yet she's tough too and can tackle her big brother like no one's business. It's not uncommon around here to see her tackling him to the floor while wearing her favorite princess dress and crown. She usually does this so she can pin him down and brush his hair. Poor guy. Lilyana is the baby of the family and has a personality all her own. She can be feminine and she sure is petite but don't let that fool you. She's sharp and she's quiet. She'll sit and study things like a cat studies its prey. She'll be the sneaky one I'm sure. She's only 1 1/2 but she's already so mature in certain ways and she's set in her routine.
Brent is my angel, my hero, my lover, and my friend. He's been there for me at my worst and he helps me to be my best. I'm not sure why he's with me but I'm glad for it every day. He's the best father I could have ever asked for for my children and they know it. I know he'll lead them to be strong, godly men and women and they will feel comfortable coming to him with problems in the future.
Our lives have been filled with more ups and downs than the latest coaster at Cedar Point in the past few years. We've had our fair (and not so fair) share of troubles. Somehow, God has seen us through it all and provided for us when we thought it wouldn't happen. Again and again, our faith has been tested and again and again, He has proven to us He'll be there.
This leads me to the beginning of our story. You may wonder why this blog is called Rainbow Wishes and why I have pictures of rainbows everywhere. This is because we are trying to have our rainbow baby. What is a rainbow baby, you ask? Simple, it's a baby that is conceived and carried to term after a loss. In the past three years, Brent and I have suffered 4 losses.
In December of 2008, we decided to try for our third baby. It took us around 5 cycles to conceive her and we had one chemical pregnancy along the way. After she was born, we thought we were done having children but I couldn't bring myself to get my tubes tied so I had the Mirena IUD inserted instead. This proved to be a mistake. As Lily's first year went on, I gained weight, had unexplained bleeding and in July of 2010, I had an ectopic pregnancy. Thankfully, it ended safely without the need for surgery but I took this as a warning.
I no longer felt "right" having a chemical birth control method implanted in me. Birth control seemed wrong to me. It's the word "control". I shouldn't be the one in control. God should be. I tend to be a control freak anyway and I needed to learn to let go and let God. So we waited til we had the finances and had my mirena removed.
We decided to let things play out on their own at first. Not really trying for a baby but not preventing one either. We trusted and had faith that God would provide. After the first month, though, I felt the desire for another baby, particularly a boy, growing stronger in me. I decided to start charting faithfully and actively trying for our rainbow baby.
So that brings us to present. It's now April and my first full trying cycle has ended with negative pregnancy tests and dashed hopes. But I am ready to start again and try once more. I'll keep trying til my Lord tells me not to. Or until He makes it clear it's not meant to be. I have prayed that if another baby is not in God's will, that He would take my desire away from me but it's still so strong and I will keep fighting to acheive it.
Most couples I've talked to recently have told me that the stress of trying to conceive has put a rift between them and their spouse. I don't know why, but it seems that trying to conceive has brought my husband and I even closer together. Our connection with each other is so strong and our intimacy is at a height it's never been before.
When we tried to conceive Lily, it was like a chore. This time, it's like a blessing, an adventure we get to embark on together and I know, with faith, love, and our desire, we will arrive at our destination. I hope to keep updating this blog with positive feelings and thoughts and will most definitely keep it up in the event I do conceive my rainbow. I thank you for following along and I hope that I can help you along your journey, whatever roads you may be travelling. Take care and God bless.
"After a hurricane, comes a RAINBOW."
My name is Krysta. I'm 26 and married to my best friend in the world, Brent. We have known each other since adolescence. We have three wonderful children. Jesse is five and a bundle of energy. He's a tough little guy and smart as a whip. I know he'll go far in life. Leah is our princess. She's three, about to turn four and is so feminine. Yet she's tough too and can tackle her big brother like no one's business. It's not uncommon around here to see her tackling him to the floor while wearing her favorite princess dress and crown. She usually does this so she can pin him down and brush his hair. Poor guy. Lilyana is the baby of the family and has a personality all her own. She can be feminine and she sure is petite but don't let that fool you. She's sharp and she's quiet. She'll sit and study things like a cat studies its prey. She'll be the sneaky one I'm sure. She's only 1 1/2 but she's already so mature in certain ways and she's set in her routine.
Brent is my angel, my hero, my lover, and my friend. He's been there for me at my worst and he helps me to be my best. I'm not sure why he's with me but I'm glad for it every day. He's the best father I could have ever asked for for my children and they know it. I know he'll lead them to be strong, godly men and women and they will feel comfortable coming to him with problems in the future.
Our lives have been filled with more ups and downs than the latest coaster at Cedar Point in the past few years. We've had our fair (and not so fair) share of troubles. Somehow, God has seen us through it all and provided for us when we thought it wouldn't happen. Again and again, our faith has been tested and again and again, He has proven to us He'll be there.
This leads me to the beginning of our story. You may wonder why this blog is called Rainbow Wishes and why I have pictures of rainbows everywhere. This is because we are trying to have our rainbow baby. What is a rainbow baby, you ask? Simple, it's a baby that is conceived and carried to term after a loss. In the past three years, Brent and I have suffered 4 losses.
In December of 2008, we decided to try for our third baby. It took us around 5 cycles to conceive her and we had one chemical pregnancy along the way. After she was born, we thought we were done having children but I couldn't bring myself to get my tubes tied so I had the Mirena IUD inserted instead. This proved to be a mistake. As Lily's first year went on, I gained weight, had unexplained bleeding and in July of 2010, I had an ectopic pregnancy. Thankfully, it ended safely without the need for surgery but I took this as a warning.
I no longer felt "right" having a chemical birth control method implanted in me. Birth control seemed wrong to me. It's the word "control". I shouldn't be the one in control. God should be. I tend to be a control freak anyway and I needed to learn to let go and let God. So we waited til we had the finances and had my mirena removed.
We decided to let things play out on their own at first. Not really trying for a baby but not preventing one either. We trusted and had faith that God would provide. After the first month, though, I felt the desire for another baby, particularly a boy, growing stronger in me. I decided to start charting faithfully and actively trying for our rainbow baby.
So that brings us to present. It's now April and my first full trying cycle has ended with negative pregnancy tests and dashed hopes. But I am ready to start again and try once more. I'll keep trying til my Lord tells me not to. Or until He makes it clear it's not meant to be. I have prayed that if another baby is not in God's will, that He would take my desire away from me but it's still so strong and I will keep fighting to acheive it.
Most couples I've talked to recently have told me that the stress of trying to conceive has put a rift between them and their spouse. I don't know why, but it seems that trying to conceive has brought my husband and I even closer together. Our connection with each other is so strong and our intimacy is at a height it's never been before.
When we tried to conceive Lily, it was like a chore. This time, it's like a blessing, an adventure we get to embark on together and I know, with faith, love, and our desire, we will arrive at our destination. I hope to keep updating this blog with positive feelings and thoughts and will most definitely keep it up in the event I do conceive my rainbow. I thank you for following along and I hope that I can help you along your journey, whatever roads you may be travelling. Take care and God bless.
"After a hurricane, comes a RAINBOW."
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